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University of Pisa
Welcome and Thanks for visiting my home page.
I was born in 1968. Although I was far too young to remember, the keywords of that year were freedom, equality, free thinking, revolution. In early 70s many free radio stations had birth here in Italy because their young creators wanted to have a way for spreading their thoughts, ideas, emotions and tell the world that they were alive 'n kickin'. The Internet today represents for me what free radio represented in the 70s. This page is here because of my need to tell everybody what I think, do, create. Herein you can find all I've been able to do in the last years that is my humble and tiny contribution to computer science (r)evolution. I was not born in 1968 by coincidence! Thanks for being here. |
Teaching Activities
- Corso di Gestione di Rete [Italian]
- Programma
- Gruppo Telegram: @gestionedirete
- Materiale per il corso 2024/25
- Progetti Studenti Corso Gestione di Rete [2001-Oggi]
- Supervisione Tesi di Laurea
- Alessia Gagliano
Malware Classification with Markov Chains
Febbraio 2025. - Lorena Modica
Honeypot per Sistemi di Controllo Industriale (ICS)
Aprile 2024. - Luca Ferretti
Integrazione di DPI in un IPS Open Source
Aprile 2024. - Francesco Pisani
Fuzzing of Industrial Control Systems
Ottobre 2023. - Filippo Boni e Giovanni Braccini
Decoding the Cyber Threat Landscape: A Honeypot Data Analysis Across Cloud Providers
Ottobre 2023. - Rodrigo Casella
OS fingerprinting passivo tramite clustering gerarchico
Luglio 2023. - Sergio Garrido De Castro
Analysis of network traffic on the public network through a honeypot
Luglio 2023. - Francesco Lorenzoni
Correlazione di allarmi di rete e rilevamento anomalie su serie temporali
Maggio 2023. - Alberto Martino
Analisi e caratterizzazioni del traffico di rete mediante tecniche di DPI
Ottobre 2022. - Nicola Coltelli
Rilevazione di Correlazioni tra Serie Temporali
Dicembre 2021. - Alessio Perugini
Rilevazione di malware tramite l'identificazione di comportamenti anomali
Maggio 2021. - Samuele Sabella
Detecting network anomalies using the feature space latent representation
Marzo 2021. - Francesco Carli
Implementazione di un network overlay distribuito per comunicazioni sicure
Dicembre 2020. - Matteo Biscosi
Disegno ed implementazione di un IDS basato su DPI
Ottobre 2020. - Andrea Bonanno
Visibilita` nei container Linux tramite eBPF e riconoscimento in tempo reale di anomalie
Giugno 2020. - Simone Ricci
Rilevazione di anomalie nel traffico di rete senza l’utilizzo di tecniche di Machine Learning
Dicembre 2019. - Marco Bianucci
Utilizzo degli allarmi di sicurezza nel monitoraggio del traffico di rete
Dicembre 2019. - Alessandro Cecchi
Scripting e patching: soluzioni per sicurezza e business continuity con Datto RMM e Autotask PSA
Dicembre 2019. - Marco Piangatello
Tecniche per il riconoscimento di esfiltrazione di dati da sistemi informatici
Luglio 2019. - Salvatore Costantino
Rilevazione di anomalie di rete mediante analisi su serie temporali
Luglio 2019. - Daniel Casenove
Rilevazione di disservizi nella connettivit`a di rete [ GitHub ]
Giugno 2019. - Edoardo Maione
Analisi di dispositivi connessi in rete ediante l’utilizzo di traffico Broadcast e Multicast
Novembre 2018. - Fulvio Schiano
Monitoraggio di sistemi connessi in rete usando dati di telemetria
Ottobre 2018. - Riccardo Colavita
Utilizzo di eBPF per l’analisi del traffico di rete di sistemi Linux
Aprile 2018. - Elif Beraat Izgordu
Identifying and removing abnormal traffic from the UCSD network telescope
Dicembre 2017. - Michele Campus
Caratterizzazione del contenuto del traffico di rete
Luglio 2017. - Lorenzo Vannucci
Indicizzazione e compressione di flussi di rete
Aprile 2017. - Emanuele Faranda
Indentificazione Automatica di Macro-Arrività nel Traffico di Rete
Ottobre 2016. - Lorenzo Brunetti
Rilevazione Automatica di Disservizi di Rete
Marzo 2016. - Antonino Lorefice
Creazione di un sistema di reputazione per domini Internet
Ottobre 2013. - Francesco Baldini
DPI per traffico HTTP implementato in FastFlow
Aprile 2013. - Daniele De Sensi
DPI over commodity hardware: implementation of a scalable framework using FastFlow
Febbraio 2013. - Daniele Sartiano
Disegno e implementazione di un framework per la misura qualitativa dei servizi di rete
Marzo 2011. - Alfredo Cardigliano
Towards wire-speed network monitoring using Virtual Machines
Marzo 2011. - Andrea Parrella
Architettura Distribuita per il Monitoraggio di Rete Near-Realtime
Marzo 2011. - Marco Cornolti
Prevenzione dello Spam via VoIP basati su Web of Trust
Ottobre 2009. - Francesco Fusco
Enterprise Voice-over-IP Traffic Monitoring
Luglio 2008. - Davide Marini
Analisi qualitativa di reti wifi attraverso l'individuazione di parametri significativi e la rilevazione dello spostamento degli utenti
Giugno 2008. - Maria Teti
Disegno e validazione di un'architettura distribuita per il monitoraggio del traffico di rete
Aprile 2005. - Gaia Maselli
Riconoscimento di Comportamenti di Rete Inattesi
Settembre 2001. - Mirko Filoni
Computing Assets Categorization According to Collected Configuration and Usage Information
Novembre 2001
- Alessia Gagliano
PhD Thesis
- A Component-based Architecture for Open, Independently Extensible Distributed Systems.
University of Berne, Switzerland, June 1997.
Papers I Have Published Recently
- L. Deri, A. Cardigliano, F. Fusco
Advancements in Traffic Processing Using Programmable Hardware Flow Offload
Proceedings of NetAccell-AI / IEEE HPSR 2024, 2024. - F. Baiardi, F. Boni, G. Braccini, E. Briganti, and L. Deri
Kex-Filtering: A Proactive Approach to Filtering
Proceedings of SECRYPT 2024, 2024.
- L. Deri and F. Fusco
Evaluating IP Blacklists Effectiveness
Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Cyber Security (CSW-2023), 2023.
- L. Deri and A. Cardigliano
Using CyberScore for Network Traffic Monitoring
Proceedings of 2022 IEEE Intl Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience, 2022.
- L. Deri and F. Fusco
Using Deep Packet Inspection in CyberTraffic Analysis
Proceedings of 2021 IEEE Intl Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience, 2021.
- L. Deri and D. Sartiano
Monitoring IoT Encrypted Traffic with Deep Packet Inspection and Statistical Analysis [ IEEE ]
Proceedings of 15th Intl Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2020), 2020. - L. Deri and D. Sartiano
Using DPI and Statistical Analysis in Encrypted Network Traffic Monitoring
Intl Journal for Information Security Research, Volume 10 Issue 1,, 2020.
- D. Sartiano, L. Deri, and others
Suspicious Network Event Recognition Leveraging on Machine Learning
Proceedings of IEEE Intl Conference on Big Data, 2019. - L. Deri, S. Sabella, and M. Mainardi
Combining System Visibility and Security Using eBPF
Proceedings of ITASEC 2019, 2019.
- L. Deri and A. Del Soldato
An Architecture for Distributing and Enforcing IoT Security at the Network Edge
Proceedings of iThings 2018, 2018. - L. Deri and A. Del Soldato
Enforcing Security in IoT and Home Networks
Proceedings of ITASEC 2018, 2018.
- D. Lemire, O. Kaser, N. Kurz, L. Deri and others
Roaring Bitmaps: Implementation of an Optimized Software Library
Software: Practice and Experience, 2017.
- A. Cardigliano, L. Deri and T. Lundstrom
Commoditising DDoS Mitigation
Proceedings of TRAC Workshop 2016, September 2016.
- L. Deri and others
Implementing Web Classification for TLDs
Proceedings of WI-IAT 2015, December 2015. - L. Deri and others
Large Scale Web-Content Classification
Proceedings of 7th Intl Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, November 2015.
- L. Deri, M. Martinelli, A. Cardigliano
Realtime High-Speed Network Traffic Monitoring Using ntopng
Proceedings of LISA 2014 workshop, November 2014. - L. Deri, M. Martinelli, A. Cardigliano
nDPI: Open-Source High-Speed Deep Packet Inspection
Proceedings of TRAC 2014 workshop, August 2014.
- Luca Deri and Alfredo Cardigliano
10 Gbit Line Rate Packet-to-Disk Using n2disk
Proceedings of TMA 2013 workshop, April 2013. - Luca Deri and others
GPUs for real-time processing in HEP trigger systems
Proceedings of ACAT 2013 conference, May 2013. - Luca Deri, Simone Mainardi, Maurizio Martinelli, and Enrico Gregori
Exploiting DNS Traffic to Rank Internet Domains
Proceedings of Tricans 2013 workshop, June 2013. - Luca Deri, Simone Mainardi, Maurizio Martinelli, and Enrico Gregori
Graph Theoretical Models of DNS Traffic
Proceedings of TRAC 2013 workshop, July 2013. - Luca Deri and Francesco Fusco
Realtime MicroCloud-based Flow Aggregation for Fixed and Mobile Networks
Proceedings of TRAC 2013 workshop, July 2013. - Marco Danelutto, Deri Luca, Daniele De Sensi, Massimo Torquati
Deep Packet Inspection on Commodity Hardware using FastFlow
Proceedings of ParCo 2013, September 2013. - Luca Deri and Francesco Fusco
MicroCloud-based Network Traffic Monitoring
Poster session of IM 2013, May 2013. - Francesco Fusco, Michail Vlachos, Xenofontas Dimitropoulos, Luca Deri
Indexing million of packets per second using GPUs [ Video ]
Proceedings of IMC 2013, October 2013.
- Luca Deri, Lorenzo Luconi Trombacchi, Maurizio Martinelli
Unveiling Interests and Trends Using The DNS (Best Paper Award)
Processings of IADIS 2012, November 2012. - Luca Deri, Lorenzo Luconi Trombacchi, Maurizio Martinelli, Daniele Vannozzi
A Distributed DNS Traffic Monitoring System [IEEE]
Proceedings of TRAC 2012, August 2012. - Luca Deri, Lorenzo Luconi Trombacchi, Maurizio Martinelli, Daniele Vannozzi
Towards a Passive DNS Monitoring System
Proceedings of SAC 2012, March 2012. - Luca Deri, Simone Mainardi and Francesco Fusco
tsdb: A Compressed Database For Time Series
Proceedings of TMA 2012, March 2012.
- Francesco Fusco, Xenofontas Dimitropoulos, Michail Vlachos, and Luca Deri
pcapIndex: An Index for Network Packet Traces with Legacy Compatibility
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), January 2012. - Alfredo Cardigliano, Luca Deri and others
vPF_RING: Towards Wire-Speed Network Monitoring Using Virtual Machines
Proceedings og IMC 2011, November 2011. - Luca Deri and others
Increasing Data Center Network Visibility with Cisco NetFlow-Lite
Proceedings of CNSM 2011, October 2011. - Luca Deri and others
Network Monitoring on Multi cores with Algorithmic Skeletons
Proceedings of Intl Conference on Parallel Computing,
ParCo 2011, August 2011.
- Luca Deri and others
High Speed Network Traffic Analysis with Commodity Multi-core Systems
Proceedings of IMC 2010, November 2010. - Luca Deri and others
Wire-Speed Hardware-Assisted Traffic Filtering with Mainstream Network Adapters
Proceedings of NEMA 2010, October 2010. [Slides] - Luca Deri and others
Towards Monitoring Programmability in Future Internet: challenges and solutions
Proceedings of 21st Tyrrhenian Workshop on Digital Communications, September 2010. - Luca Deri and others
Collection and Exploration of Large Data Monitoring Sets
Using Bitmap Databases
Proceedings of TMA 2010, April 2010.
- Luca Deri and others
Enabling High-Speed and Extensible Real-Time Communications Monitoring
Proceedings of IM 2009, June 2009.
- Luca Deri and Richard Andrews
N2N: A Layer Two Peer-to-Peer VPN [ slides ]
Proceedings of AIMS 2008, July 2008.
- Luca Deri
High-Speed Dynamic Packet Filtering
Journal of Network and System Management, June 2007
- Luca Deri
Open Source VoIP Traffic Monitoring [ foils ]
Proceedings of SANE 2006, May 2006.
- Luca Deri
nCap: Wire-speed Packet Capture and Transmission
Proceedings of E2EMON, May 2005.
- Luca Deri
Improving Passive Packet Capture:Beyond Device Polling
Proceedings of SANE 2004, October 2004. - Luca Deri
nFlow: Monitoring Flows on IPv4/v6 Networks
Proceedings of TNC 2004, June 2004. - L. Deri
IPFIX Implementation Notes
Internet Draft, July 2004. - S. Uhlig, V. Magning, O. Bonaventure, R. Rapier, L.Deri
Implications of the Topological Properties of Traffic on Traffic Engineering
Proceedings of SAC 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 2004.
- Luca Deri
nProbe: an Open Source NetFlow Probe for Gigabit Networks
Proceedings of Terena TNC 2003, Zagreb, Croatia, May 2003. - Luca Deri, Stefano Suin, and Gaia Maselli
Design and Implementation of an Anomaly Detection System: an Empirical Approach
Proceedings of Terena TNC 2003, Zagreb, Croatia, May 2003. - Luca Deri
Passively Monitoring Networks at Gigabit Speeds Using Commodity Hardware and Open Source Software
Proceedings of PAM 2003, La Jolla, April 2003.
- Dieter Gantenbein and Luca Deri
Categorizing Computing Assets According to Communication Patterns
Proceedings of Networking 2002, Pisa, May 2002.
[See also Intelligent Device Discovery]
- Luca Deri, Rocco Carbone and Stefano Suin
Monitoring Networks Using ntop
Proceedings of IM 2001, Seattle, May 2001.
- Luca Deri
Beyond the Web: Mobile WAP-based Management
Accepted for publication consideration to Journal of Network and Systems Management
Special Issue on Web-Based Management, May 2000. - Luca Deri and Stefano Suin
Improving Network Security Using Ntop
Accepted for presentation consideration to RAID 2000 Workshop on the Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection. - Luca Deri and Stefano Suin
Effective Traffic Measurement using ntop
IEEE Communications Magazine, 38(5), pp 138-145, May 2000. - Luca Deri and Stefano Suin
Practical Network Security: Experiences with ntop
TERENA Networking Conference 2000, May 2000.
- Luca Deri and Stefano Suin
Desktop- vs. Web-based Network Management
Journal of Network Management, 1999. - Luca Deri
Luca Deri and Stefano Suin
ntop: Beyond ping and traceroute
Proceedings of DSOM '99, October 1999. - Luca Deri
Desktop-based Network Management
Proceedings of IM '99, May 1999.
Java-based Mobile Asset Location
IEEE MONET Special Issue on Mobility, 1999.
- Luca Deri
JLocator: a Web-based Asset Location System
Proceedings of DSOM '98, October 1998.
- Franck Barillaud, Luca Deri, and Metin Feridun
Network Management using Internet Technologies
Proceedings of INM '97, San Diego, May 1997. - James Reilly, Petri Niska, Luca Deri, and Dieter Gantenbein
Enabling Mobile Network Managers
Proceedings of Sixth Intl World Wide Web Conference (WWW6), 1997. - Luca Deri
Webbin': A New Way To Manage Networks
Linux Magazin, September 1997. - Luca Deri
Yasmin: a Component-based Architecture for Software Applications
IBM Research Report RZ 2899, Proceedings of STEP '97, London, July 1997. - Luca Deri and Bela Ban
Static vs. Dynamic CMIP/SNMP Network Management Using CORBA - Luca Deri and Dimitrios Manikis
VRML: Adding 3D to Network Management
Proceedings of IS&N'97, May 27-29, 1997, Como, Italy. - Luca Deri
Rapid Network Management Application Development
Proceedings of ECOOP '97 Workshop on Object Oriented Technology for
Telecommunications Services Engineering, Jyväskylä Finland, June 1997.
Proceedings of IS&N'97, May 27-29, 1997, Como, Italy.
Luca Deri
Network Management for the 90s
Proceedings of ECOOP'96 Workshop, July 8-9, 1996, Linz, Austria. -
Luca Deri
Surfin' Network Resources Across the Web
Procedings of 2nd Intl IEEE Workshop on Systems Management,
June 19-21, 1996, Toronto, Canada, pp. 158-167.
Luca Deri and Eugenio Mattei
An Object-Oriented Approach to the Implementation of OSI Management
Computer Systems and ISDN Networks, August 1995. -
Luca Deri and Andreas Weder
Webbin' CMIP
Third Intl WWW Conference, April 10-14, 1995, Darmstadt, Germany,
in Poster Proceedings, edited by R.Holzapfel.
Graham Knight, Saleem Bhatti and Luca Deri
Secure Remote Management in the Esprit MIDAS Project
Proceeedings of IFIP '94, Barcelona, June 1994.
Other Documents and Research Reports
Luca Deri
HTTP-based SNMP and CMIP Network Management
Internet Draft, 1997. -
Luca Deri
Droplets: Breaking Monolithic Applications Apart
IBM Research Report RZ 2799, March 1996. -
Bela Ban and Luca Deri
Abstract Factory Revisited
IBM Research Report RZ 2787, February 1996. -
Luca Deri
Surfin' Network Resources Across the Web
IBM Research Report RZ 2786, February 1996.
Papers I Have Never Published
- Luca Deri
Ntop: a Lightweight Open-Source Network IDS
September 2000.
Research Interests
- Network Traffic Monitoring
- Dynamic Languages and Object-Oriented Technology
- World Wide Web
- Human-Computer Interaction
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can never browse enough!
Smile and have fun. You can never browse enough!
The views are MINE, they have nothing to do with anyone but me.